Astra Fanart
Hey guys! Since the new Fanart system got implemented, I figured I should repost the Astra piece I made some months ago! I worked pretty hard on it for a class assignment when I was in college at the time.

38 Replies
thank you! I spent a very long time on it
Looks so nostalgic, with like the space themed skin
nostalgic from the times astra was broken
didn't even think of that but I like the comparison! it was actually inspired by another Astra piece,
:C_pray: I one day hope those days will return
i have recently joined the copium club of maining a nerfed character
chamber is still really good wdym
She's perfectly balanced rn
I lub astra fanart
In tier ratings she's considered C-Tier, which is the worst tier
Not saying she's not playable, she very much is. But the best thing about her is because she's played so little people just don't know how to counter her as well, which is mainly in lower elos. She's fallen very much out of the meta and isn't as strong of a choice anymore, compared to the other controllers
I don't think she needs a big buff, but I feel she could use a small something
Well hes a lot more restricted in his playstyle imo so i just became a reyna player bc reyna is literally just a frag machine who goes where she wants
Chamber and Reyna play two totally different roles
Reyna is a duelist and is supposed to frag
Yea but i played chamber like a reyna
Chamber is a sentinel and is supposed to hold site
With tps and taking aim fights
I stuck with chamber bc of his op ability (which i miss a little bit on reyna but u can still op ig) and his rotation ability
Supposed to, but with 2 tps he was used entirely for taking early duels
but on defense I think he's kinda supposed to do that. take one out as they try to push and cancel it, then tp away and keep site held.
attack sided is a different story tho lol
So he was played like reyna
From my knowledge, MOST reynas I see tend to lurk v hard on defense, while chambers do tend to site anchor
As a former astra main I do agree ( a little biased ) I personally think all the nerfs were good ideas, but they probably could’ve left one of the nerfs out
Ex: Give her 5 stars, but make the retrieval time longer and staggered
Hopefully after Harbor begins to make his stamp in competitive play, they'll do a bit of controller adjusting and help bring Astra back into the meta. I hope so :C_pray:
I hope Harbor can end up being a solid controller. Right now I feel very gimmicky playing him and I don't really think that's how controllers should feel
ig so but like i just play like a chamber who doesnt care abt any1 else
also yea i think rn harbor is the worst controller ngl
Who actually likes astra tho. Great drawing but astra = 🤮
I do
I find her fun to play and she has a great character design
Her personality is one I tend to enjoy as well
+ who cares if other people like Astra or not? I can still draw her despite her being an unpopular choice
Popularity does not vindicate nor determine what or who I draw 😛
I dont know what u jus said but I totally agree
how well a chatacter is liked won't determine if I draw them or not. It's whether I like them or not.
Damn nice i like the details that you put
Not bad dud
I must've missed this whoops! thank you!
Why do i see this just now??? as an astra main i LOVE THIS SM
Thank you!! I made it last year as an assignment and love how it came out!
This is so pretty!!
Thank you!! I spent a lot of time on it and am quite proud!