30 Replies
Good job
i had to do it
I would why
I find neon attractive and. B4 anyone asks shes 19
holy shit that looks clean and good
well done
It's AI Generated
You can tell by the hair on the right side
It messes up and looks off
We don't know her age but we do know all of the agents are 18+. Any written down ages are unconfirmed
it's a clear improvement from the past generations.
The biggest way to tell if something was AI generated was by the eyes, which after a few hours of fine tuning, I was able to mostly fix
I swear reviem, that your ai drawings are getting better every time, great job!
This is two months old
it's not even a real drawing
it's just a few words shoved into an image generator
I think he uses photoshop to improve it after the AI spits something out

that's why i said ai drawings
AI's interpretation of her little nose covering

some of them have some very obvious errors, but Reviem has said they have their own personal program based on stable diffusion
wasnt it a ai for stable diffusion?
Time loop in the past few messages
why does that matter
it’s not real life

This honestly looks like an AI made it nice job
it is
Thought so lol was originally gonna say "AI is getting crazy" then realized that could've been offensive if you actually drew it.