How can I align some paragraphs to start at the centered title's starting point

I am working on this the whole day, still can't manage to do it. The problem is I have titles in my cards centered, and I want the paragraphs to start at the starting point of the title. I would really appreciate some help.
17 Replies
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
It's not that straight forward. But it will be easier to check if you make a codepen with this example
Szabiā€¢2y ago
i want the text to start at the red line
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
this might do it, but if it's not what you are looking for, provide us the html css you already have the title is in the center gid column and the list is going over the second and third column
Szabiā€¢2y ago
Szabiā€¢2y ago
if i do text-align: center that happens yeah thats what i want i'll try to do it on my card thanks
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
no problem. good luck
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
just for backup here a screenshot, because i will remove the pen later
Szabiā€¢2y ago
Szabiā€¢2y ago
yeah it works like i wanted thanks on the third card its a bit off on the left side but i think this will be fine
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
yea, that's because it lacks space with the larger title and the icons. it's to small for 3 columns
Szabiā€¢2y ago
so i should lower the font sizes a bit?
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
you can use clamp() for fontsize, or let the cards go to 1 column a bit earlier
Szabiā€¢2y ago
now they go to 3 col at 768px
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
you can choose what ever you like just play with it a bit, can't choose for you
Szabiā€¢2y ago
sure i was trying to figure this out for the whole day, and you got it in minutes though the solution was not that complicated, I was a bit dumb šŸ˜…
MarkBootsā€¢2y ago
Don't say that, sometimes it's just not as straight forward, or obvious. Even the most experienced developers have that (not that I am). You will never know everything, and that's totally fine. That's what these kind of communities and loads of other online resources are for.
Szabiā€¢2y ago
Yeah, maybe your right. I started taking web development serious in this summer Still have to learn but I am progressing every day I'll link the project where I used the cards, check it if you want šŸ˜„