How can i combine these arrays elements together gsap, scroll trigger, vanilla js

Hello I am working on combining these elements together. I am not are how I can just scroll them together based on texts element height that I have ? How do I combine those arrays of elements
const texts = [...document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-text')];
const boxes: [...document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-container')];
const background: [...document.querySelectorAll('.main-box')];

texts.forEach(el => {
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: el,
start: 'top 350px',
scrub: true,
pin: '#section-5',
toggleClass: "is-active",
end: () => "+=" + el.offsetHeight,
.to(el, {
ease: 'none',
const texts = [...document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-text')];
const boxes: [...document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-container')];
const background: [...document.querySelectorAll('.main-box')];

texts.forEach(el => {
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: el,
start: 'top 350px',
scrub: true,
pin: '#section-5',
toggleClass: "is-active",
end: () => "+=" + el.offsetHeight,
.to(el, {
ease: 'none',
5 Replies
b1mind•3y ago
don't spread it till you combine them*
const texts = document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-text');
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-container');
let combine = [...texts, ...boxes];
const texts = document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-text');
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.core-value-container');
let combine = [...texts, ...boxes];
also a better way could be one ScrollTrigger with stagger 😄
b1mind•3y ago
I don't quite know what you are doing but just giving ya options. codepens are best if you can put one together. sideNote: you have invalid syntax with the const boxes: andconst background:
stcodeOP•3y ago
Thank you for the information however I need both of them from index[0] to work together I want to animated two thing in the same time but both of them need to toggle a class in the same time
b1mind•3y ago
Look at my reply in FrontEnd Horse

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