Someone help me?

idk why this happend but i got banned for killing a sage?
128 Replies
KayC132y ago
@Deleted User send a ticket explaining you weren't cheating and got a false positive
ROBLOX2y ago
Maybe u are cheating or u open cheats on other game
KayC132y ago
If. He's cheating then he needs to get refund those cheats aren't working
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
there isnt even a reason to cheat if you arent that bad and no i obviously dont cheat
KayC132y ago
If you don't insta kill all 5 people in 2 seconds are those cheats even worth it fr Anyways It's likely to be caused by another program
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
well i went 7/8 that game
KayC132y ago
And that flagged your game and got you banned
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
wait could it be a virus that infected val since not too long ago i had a virus but im pretty sure i got rid of it
KayC132y ago
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
Do you have emulators in your pc? If so it can get you banned 😪
Ryuzaki2y ago
There can be other software on your system that vanguard reads as a threat
NightHawks2y ago
can be for many reasons, raw accel, crosshaircc, rust scrips, skin chnagers, or any 3rd party thing, if it was none of those you could have been mass reported in that case just send a ticket and explain to them, youll get unbanned pretty quickly
Ryuzaki2y ago
Mass reporting is rare. I got mass reported 3 games in a row on my smurfs nothing happened. More like it's some other software on his system. Raw accel itself is currently not bannable by riot as of now as per what they said. But there's sometimes extra drivers that may come with the package which could be
NightHawks2y ago
raw accel is bannable, i cleared it up with a riot dev
Ryuzaki2y ago
Really? I did the same thing. That's why I was so confident. I mean I don't use it myself but. This is interesting
NightHawks2y ago
ill find the ss
NightHawks2y ago
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NightHawks2y ago
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NightHawks2y ago
i was useing raw accel for a week or so then stopped after i heard this
Ryuzaki2y ago
Yea basically what my guy said. "As of now it's not bannable". But I doubt riots gonna release a statement saying "we are planning on banning raw accel". They're just gonna do it one day I don't use it myself tho. Probably wont
NightHawks2y ago
yeah, riots pretty stingy with they're TOS, highly doubt theyd release a statement saying its going to be bannable due to not many people knowing what raw accel is, "as of now its not bannable" and that was like a month ago
Koni2y ago
did you get unbanned?
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
I do have emulators on my pc, a lot of them and I havent gotten banned in 3 years ^^ damn glad I stopped using it
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
not yet
Ryuzaki2y ago
Yea it's tough. I'd start grinding on another account honestly
Noob2y ago
@Deleted User you cant get banned for being good
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
this was obviously sacastic
Noob2y ago
you got falsely banned probably
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i know im on it already
Noob2y ago
maybe some third party app
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i probably got any other programm opend what caussed it
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
well thats what i get
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Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
an auto generated massange and a closed ticket without any further info welp i guess im forced to quit my fav game
Ryuzaki2y ago
Yea told you start grinding on another acc. I lost my main because it was hacked as well. They will never unban a perma banned account for third party software they are very strict about this
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
im hwid banned i cant just grind on another account
Ryuzaki2y ago
Ohm another person had something similar in this channel and didn't get hwid ban probably because someone else got access to his account like mine. You got it means yea it's a software in your system. Unlucky. You gotta be careful what software you have running while gaming from your next game onwards. Specially since riot has been so strict since day 1 about this
Noob2y ago
poor you
u used hack tool don't lie which rank r u? it's called HACK TOOL
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
yeah deffo i have legit no needings to cheat
do u have proof
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
man .
if then I can escalate ur post
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i went fkin 7/8
how many skins have u bought?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
idk i just know that ive paid 665€
Oh that's very near bro If u just used ur money till 664 euros then I could bring ur account back instantly
Hyp3r2y ago
raw accel doesnt get u banned
Silver bot why are u in the middle of conversation? go go go
Hyp3r2y ago
Anyways I have a plan @Deleted User Uninstall Valorant then go to
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
man its not funny realize it
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
man is seeing the whole thing as a joke
do ur parents know? about this
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
abt what
how u used all the money what else I told u that day not to waste MONEY anyways good luck on ur JOURNEY I hope ur account get un-banned Anyways finally, I have a thing to share which might have got u banned
The name of the character is Kamisato Ayaka
No description
by this u got the answer how to unban ur account which is to start a Sorry post on "Genshin Impact" server byeeeeeeeeeeeeee meet u on Valorant - wanna play now?
KayC132y ago
@Deleted User that's really unlucky, unfortunately they won't revert this. Hope you find a better game to play. Good luck!
yeah u have options Clash of Clans Clash Royale Brawl Stars
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
can i just say how much that man is pissin me off
KayC132y ago
Shut up man
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i mean val is one of the only games i really enjoy playing
KayC132y ago
If it's a hwid ban then there's not much you can do Maybe try csgo I guess And look if that virus is still on you computer because that may have flagged it in Val
bro the right explanation is u used the mod in a new account maybe - there the hacks haven't got noticed so u TRIED IN UR MAIN ACCOUNT now u are in THE LIST THE BIG LIST OF BANNED
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
and your on the big list of mentally disabled kids then? its legit not funny
Of course
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i didnt cheat on my main neither on my alt
bro since when were u playing?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
ep2 act 3
I was playing since 2020 year?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
cool cool 2021 wait no ep 1 act 3
all I can say is that - u won't be getting ur account back max but for not facing this again try doing a complete reset on ur PC
KayC132y ago
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
that wont work
then New Account
KayC132y ago
It's a hardware ban a reset is useless
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
dont you work in develpoment you should know that a hwid isnt possible to fix by just resetting the own pc
I'm learning
KayC132y ago
You're freelance bro
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
seems like theres a lot to learn
I thought it's all about accounts getting banned
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
yeah my account got banned and i got hwid banned
Oh pc specs? maybe u have to change ur Storage device/Mother board/ use new internet adapter yeah some terms I misunderstood cause GTA V bans for 1 month first then GOD BAN - PERMANENT thought the same for Valorant
Ryuzaki2y ago
The first hwid ban is usually for 120 days. Doesn't mean your account will be back. Just that after that time your can probably create a new account The next one is permanent
KayC132y ago
Oh I forgot about this @Deleted User so uh you can make a new one in 4 months But I'd resolve whatever flagged the anti cheat in the first place
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
My main got perma banned as well for using third party application. Someone hacked into my account and used cheats. I send a ticket to riot and they acctually helped me investigate and got unbanned as well as hardware unban.
Ryuzaki2y ago
You're one of the lucky ones. The riot dev you talked to probably was in a good mood
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
They investigated and it was due to negative in game behaviour but it was counted as thrid party application I dont know why i got perma ban and hardwaree ban for it tho
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
No description
Ryuzaki2y ago
Maybe that's why. The actual cause was not a third party software
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
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七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
They still warn me about third party app even after unban
Ryuzaki2y ago
Lol..the only reason they hwid ban you is because they fucked up. That's why they unbanned you. "oops we messed up. But you better be careful"
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
😂 haha But its crazy i can ban for just being negative I dont yell poeple on voice comms or yell people on chat not even type toxic stuff
Ryuzaki2y ago
Nah they just messed up. You get temporary bans for being negative which increase the time with every offense
七海 建人
七海 建人2y ago
😂 What sucks even more is that this took 3-4 days to solve i thought i was not getting unban so spend money on a new pc Im addicted to the game, what more can i do, even if they fked up and ban my hardware. Ill still throw my cash at riot 🥰❤️
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
update they told me that i wasnt the one that caussed the ban but it stays for 3months :/ so im hwid banned till march
Noob2y ago
and main? it will still be perm ban?
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
it wasnt on my main it was on a alt account with 2 friends and it seems like one of them was cheating then i played and got banned so i got the hwid ban
Imaginary (read bio)
Yo that’s good news Glad it worked out for you
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
well its still 3months for basicly nothing
Tartauros2y ago
Dont cry mate Choose your friends wisely In my opinion you know they are cheating if they are close friends Be happy that u got temp banned till march instead of a perm ban
Noob2y ago
Dont share accounts Since that can also get you banned
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Dude was probably account sharing aswell lmao, or his friend played on his pc with/out cheats and at home with so both pcs could have gotten a hwid
Tartauros2y ago
Yep Deserves perm in my opinion
Noob2y ago
honestly your fault for sharing accounts with your friends. it violates riots tos and can result in a perm ban
Medo2y ago
But the kill speed and the phantom bullet spread is imposivble at the velocity of .1 ms So he deserved the ban cuz i havent banned someone in 30 minutes and i am kinda bored Go ahead submit a ticket and our lovely bot will reply -riot devs Why dont u create an alt account We can ban that to Or maybe wait 6 month till u buy skins on it then we ban u Much better -riot games inc.
Noob2y ago
Medo2y ago
Its sarcasm of riot
Noob2y ago
riot allows alt accounts I have like 3 alts but your not allowed to share it its for safety
Medo2y ago
I mean if ur main got banned for no reason Ur alt might get banned aswell
Noob2y ago
Medo2y ago
Reporter: why did u create valorant New empolyee : i have passio-- Riot : we like money U spent 300€+ on the account Riot: i am abouta end dis mans whole collection
arrowplane2y ago
oh hwid ban on val is HARD to get by
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
KayC132y ago
Were you sharing with 2 friends or were you queued with them Cuz both can initiate bans
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
The real Provani360
Get better
Wesley2y ago
if u get banned for raw accel then its stupid bc some pros has used it or tried it like Tenz himself he made a video about it
Tartauros2y ago
Fair ban, enjoy kiddo
ASIAN2y ago
Hopefully you learn from this. Good luck.
KayC132y ago
Unlucky, they usually exempt sharing once but since yours involved cheating you got the hwid ban It might trigger false positives Will get more info the current reply we get is ambiguous might contact support later
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
@KayCie 4 tickets later, I havent got any help i mean the support was nice but it didnt help me at all its been 2 months, my ban is now half way thru and i still dont know what to do other than wait neither do i know why im banned or what i did wrong
KayC132y ago
If u q with a cheater you get banned too
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
i never qued with one like i didnt cheat but someone else did on my account which got me banned when i was playing but i didnt knew that he was cheating neither did i know he was doing it on my acc
Tartauros2y ago
You still wont get unbanned since account sharing lol