Flow3y ago

AlexH (2022-12-08)

There are multiple layers to answering your question @jfo150 • Flow uses a BFT consensus algorithm. The maximum threshold BFT consensus (for partially-synchronous networks) can tolerate is strictly less than 1/3 of nodes in each node role (measured by staked tokens) controlled by malicious actors. If this threshold is exceeded, attacks as double spends become theoretically possible. Flow has 119 consensus nodes that all must supply a (relatively significant) minimum stake. So considering only consensus nodes the Nakamoto coefficient would be 39 • For collection nodes and Verification nodes, the network remains safe even if 1/3 of nodes of each role are byzantine. • Execution Nodes: they cannot alter the network. Of course, if all execution nodes stop execution, they can halt the network. But even with all Execution nodes being byzantine, they safety of the network is maintained. Node counts are (as of Mainnet 20): 108 Collection nodes; 119 Consensus; 83 Verification; 7 Execution
2 Replies
Needle3y ago
I've created a thread for your message. Please continue any relevant discussion in this thread. You can rename this thread using /title <new title> If this is a technical question that others may benefit from, considering also asking it on Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=onflow-cadence
joshua3y ago
@jfo150 @alex.the.architect Try to respond in this thread with the rest of your convo so we don't have too much in the main channel. thanks!

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