comp burn out
Hardstuck at bronze 3 for a good while and I never get past 50RR. It's either teammates just being ass (AFK, hanging at spawn or just being extremely scattered, or whatever this Reyna is doing in the comp game that I'm playing right now) or I'm just shit. Yes, I admit I can be ass most of the time, but I often feel like I usually die because most of my teammates can't use their util properly or don't use voice chat/comms (eg. I say someone's at heaven with an op, they decide to rush in before I could smoke it, leading to a Jett trying to hit a clip being shot by chamber).
Yes, I do give comms on mic. No, I don't insta-lock a duelist and demand for a specific agent role. I wait for people to pick then play whatever we need (smokes, flashes, sentinel, whatever). No, I don't trash talk 24/7. Either way, I'm demotivated as hell to play comp now, or even touch the game. Any solutions to fix my burn out?
22 Replies
when i get burnt out i normally work on something else, try play a different game or learn / practise something new until you feel good enough to return
yeah I took a break for a week and I began to play worse
i mean if you dont play for a week you will get worse because you havent played for a week
thought you meant like, "take a break for a bit, then you'll be better when you return"
idk smthg people keep bringing up
fill but no initiator?
fade or sova
i mean if your gonna fill you might just not wanna play initiator?
but 3 duelists isnt better
for the round above I went duelist despite having 2 others so I can flash
I don't trust reyna bc she insta lock
she been trying to hit clips all game by pushing head first with flash
you know reyna aint using the flashes and pov: jett flash
there you go you get it
kindergarten type english comprehension
jett can flash with smoke?
when have you been blinded by jett
probably never
jett can flash
damn crazy
que with a friend