Do any of you use PostCSS if you are using Parcel?
I'm trying to find an article on why to use both but I can't find anything contrasting the two or when to use both of them together.
5 Replies
parcel has a section on postcss in their manual
don't use either myself though
I've looked at that page. I'm looking for why you would use both together because it seems Parcel incorporates a lot of PostCSS plugins
PostCSS is useful for more custom CSS transformations such as non-standard syntax additions. It is also used by popular CSS frameworks such as Tailwind.So effectively "if you can use parcel for what you need, don't bother with postcss" but they can work together to cover cases where parcel can't do something postcss can, or some other library you're using like tailwind uses postcss rather than parcel
or use libraries like this lovely one
GitHub - rjdestigter/postcss-colour: Define colours in css the way ...
Define colours in css the way her majesty Queen Elizabeth II intended it. - GitHub - rjdestigter/postcss-colour: Define colours in css the way her majesty Queen Elizabeth II intended it.
I wanted to use Parcel and Tailwind and I'm pretty sure Parcel has docs on Tailwind. Okay, I'll just switch between the two I guess. I need to do more SASS/SCSS, that's why I'm asking - thanks