VALORANT Stuck at 45% FIXED!
Hi all, I just had a quick question about the riot launcher and was wondering if anyone knows how to resolve this problem? The game itself says 0% but the top left selector says 45%. Ive tried resseting network settings flushing dns etc and still have the same problem. other games on Steam for example update please help thanks!

17 Replies
I'm having the same problem. I've done every "solution" but it still no work for me lol
Just be patient
It gets stuck on a number and it takes a while
It's been stuck on "updating 45%" for the past 6 hours I've had my PC on lol
@retard07mines been stuck on it for 3 days and now ive even deleted LOL, val etc and reinstalling the client etc and still stuff liek whattt
Same LOL, I've tried every "solution" and still no work
Hopefully it's just a bug that riot can fix
lke whatttt

its rly annoying how theres just no1 to actually help
riot staff useless lmao
Its very annoying
Mine was stuck at Updating 45%
The last time I updated it , it was perfectly fine.and the last time I played valorant in October it was perfectly fine , my wifi is perfect,my PC is up to date on updates , my router is awesome, my ping is good,my connection is good, my dns is good
What the hell is happening 💀
everytime update comes out ive been fine
then suddenly it just dies on me
same, this is the only time its happened to me...and i've been playing since beta
can I ask u what OS u run?
and maybe its just this new patch :/
i use windows 11
after my valorant kept getting stuck , my laptop automatically restarted and boom windows 11
i didnt allow it to
on windows 10 my valorant was having the same problem
oooo okay
maybe its something to do with windows 11?
because i only just upgraded my pc to w11 and when i was on w10 i never encountered any problems
to fix it go to exit vanguard and then make sure valornat is installed then retasrt ur PC