6 Replies
Lower your settings. Keep extended texture budget maxed out but Texture quality i recommend to set to normal. Custom content textures EAT Vram and kill FPS
otherwise, enable Vsync to cap your FPS and save some GPU usage.
So glad i'm not the only one having the problem too. The Lag is REAL....
evident-indigoOPβ’3y ago
Thanks it worked. I also tried lowering down my resolution to.
@foxsashaakiama Is there any other way?
I want it to get a minimum of 60 fps
I mean getting 46 rn
any other ways?
deep-jadeβ’3y ago
fascinating-indigoβ’3y ago
buy a new pc
conscious-sapphireβ’3y ago
Mine was $3000 custom build and it lags. So try stop being such a normie with no brain.
I already took it down to 100fps. I guess i need to drop it down lower.