How do I get more fps? I am just getting 27 and below

6 Replies
FoxSashaβ€’3y ago
Lower your settings. Keep extended texture budget maxed out but Texture quality i recommend to set to normal. Custom content textures EAT Vram and kill FPS otherwise, enable Vsync to cap your FPS and save some GPU usage.
evident-indigoOPβ€’3y ago
Thanks it worked. I also tried lowering down my resolution to. @foxsashaakiama Is there any other way? I want it to get a minimum of 60 fps I mean getting 46 rn any other ways?
deep-jadeβ€’3y ago
fascinating-indigoβ€’3y ago
buy a new pc
conscious-sapphireβ€’3y ago
Mine was $3000 custom build and it lags. So try stop being such a normie with no brain. I already took it down to 100fps. I guess i need to drop it down lower.

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