valorant support havent replied to my ticket
Hi I posted a ticket about region change because I moved to australia. I posted a ticket 17 hours ago. They still haven't 

18 Replies
yeah it could take a while
how long?
a few days prolly
they usually tae up to 24h but can easily take longer (days)
oh danggg
it depends on how backed up they are bc its first come first server and riot recieves thousands of tickets a day
bro I was guessing
i just want to play the game mman
I'm crazy

im just got to asc 1 before i moved
i just want to try out the lobby but no
I am literally rank 4 in cracked bro
valorant wont change my region, not yet
rrank 4
in the leaderboard???
like level for
I'm just so good the level counter broke
he keeps saying im so bad
so im trying to outrank him