Possible to record a replay in-game without using an overlay?

I do a lot of video editing and transitioning on game-play and put together mash ups of say, team video, individual, and tournament highlights, etc. and was wondering if you could record without using a third party program or an overlay. In CS i know you could record straight from the game itself and have it save a file in your docs and then go from there with the editing, audio, effects and what not. Thank You!
4 Replies
Arnold3y ago
Great question, you can totally use a 3rd party recorder. Outplay, medal, just anything that is used amongst the best players. Hopefully my this should help.
nand3y ago
You need a 3rd party There is no built in recorder for valorant
bh3y ago
Xbox game bar technically is built in Win+Alt+G to record a clip Win+Alt+R to record and stop recording
Kurenai3y ago
Gamebar sucks and the clips usually get corrupted, no reason to also use medal since you can do the exact same thing with obs but with better perf. use obs I can help you configure ur settomgs

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