Copyright Issues

I am trying to clone apple website. So, I downloaded the images from image extractor Is it OK? This is my first time to try to clone website. Thanks in advance.
Image Extractor
Image Extractor
A free tool to extract, view and download images from any website by using a virtual browser.
5 Replies
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell3y ago
If it's for educational purposes, you can get away with it. And I'm assuming that's what it is.
TLOP3y ago
Yes, but if I host it on internet, can it be a problem?
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell3y ago
I mean, they are licensed images, so if you want to play it safe, you could replace them with free ones from something like pexels or unsplash. You wouldn't get sued over their use in a student portfolio or anything though. Worst case scenario is you get asked to take the project down. And then you could swap the images out
TLOP3y ago
Okay, thank you for your answer. Then, I would prefer to use free images for safety.
Joao3y ago
2. Compatibility: If you are a developer, you may show an image of an Apple product in your promotional/advertising materials to depict that your product is compatible with, or otherwise works with, the Apple product or technology, provided you comply with the following requirements: a. Your product is in fact compatible with, or otherwise works with, the referenced Apple product. b. The image is an actual photograph of the genuine Apple product and not an artist’s rendering (Note: You must obtain express written permission from Apple before using any photograph owned or licensed by Apple). Although this seems to refer to actual advertisement and promotions. So I doubt you'd get in trouble over a personal portfolio project, as Kevin said. However use free images whenever possible there's plenty to choose from!

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