players are pixelated
From long range any player i see is extremely pixelated , i have no idea why. Any help?

6 Replies
what monitor do you have
also check video settings
there's a setting with the option of 16x
forgot what it's called
but it makes things pixelated if you have it at 1x
or something lower
Yeah when i open it its less pixelated
But nowhere near as good as i want it to be
It is a laptop screen at 1920x1080
use fxaa and 16x
in graphics settings
I tried its still not good
It only gets better when i use resolutions more than 1920x1080
But a lot of people use 1920x1080 with no fxaa and these stuff , and still have better quality
prob ur monitor then
@Corvous Its a graphics thing
Higher Graphics, AAx16 and Sharpening will help resolve low res players