Banned on Valorant

Hey guys! I am playing Valo since 2 Months and lately after I had to deal with some Depression it really helped me alot cause of meeting ig with new People, playing and grinding on competitive matches and so on! I am playing it daily! Today I decided to do a kind of smurf new account and to play a lil with my friends. For some reason some guy in our Discord send us some file which I clicked on and right after that some Valorant error popped up and while starting the game an VN152 error came up. I then went to my main and the same happened there aswell… I tried my sisters account and it came the same! I then researched and it was standing that i got a HWID ban.. I am shocked since then and don‘t know what to do… I am so anxious..
5 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
Maybe don’t open files random ppl give you💀 unlucky ig
BelfortOP3y ago
😰 ..
Red3y ago
you can try to contact riot's official support for account recovery but it sounds like that file you opened were cheats ;support
VALQuestion If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them at
BelfortOP3y ago
Thanks... I've sent them a message

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