getting placed in the wrong lobby
does anyone know how to go back to my actual rank matchmaking? this is getting annoying

75 Replies
that was my latest match

and this was the match before
are u new
just play more and it will be normal
im not
the problem is
this doesnt occur on my other accounts
have u just come back after a break
nope, this is actually my friends account
it was silver 3
then it got double rank uped to gold 2
then now im against diamonds?
That is because of your MMR being higher than your actual rank
is there any way to lower down my mmr then?
stop smurfing
im not smurfing
my main is plat 1
and even on that account i get placed against golds
You double ranked up, so the game is putting you against better players, you match MVPed so you are being pushed higher, you’ll be put in your respective rank eventually once you’re evened out
i genuinely think val misplaced me
so basically just keep playing?
play more games
is double rank up the max u could go?
or is tripple or quadrupple rank up a thing
It can happen again
I think there’s a triple
at least theres a chance of me actually getting placed on where "val" thinks i am in
But you’re winning the games against higher ranked players, odds are you’re going to be placed against higher ranks until you lose or do poorly
because it would be pointless if i am going to stay in gold when going against dias
Btw this happens commonly with alts
im playing rn and idk the enemies ranks but its currently 9-0
I’m S1 rn on my main(after massive loss streak) but I have an alt that’s gotten to plat 2, Val is weird
so val is basically going to put me higher and higher until i lose or play poorly?
thats dumb imo
It is, but that means your MMR might me something like 1700 but your RR might be 1300 total, so Val is going to try to put you against people who you won’t just dumpster
but eh it is what it is
but i just want to play in my actual rank range if yk what i mean
Pretty dumb
It’s just a program that sees your MMR compared to others is higher vs visible rank
also i cant tell if im just "good" or the dias are just bad
It doesn’t know you want to just play with who you belong because it’s trying to figure out that exact thing
If it’s consistent then you can say you’re good
and how to know if ur consistent lmao
You don’t win/lose sporadically and keep up 


after getting past plat lobbies i cant go past 30 kills anymore
mainly because the kills are spread amongst my teammates
I see match MVP consistently
i think thats just mainly because i play duelist?
But the game doesn’t care abt your agent

It sees you’re dumping the other team so therefore = need higher rank
u just said ur frieneds acc is s3
it was s2
stated here ig
but climed pretty quickly within a day
is it wrong?
That is kinda boosting but to each their own
is boosting like against valorants tos or anything?
It’s account sharing and that’s not allowed
But whatever
wouldnt like half valorants playerbase be banned tho
if they were to punish all account sharing users
They can’t tell a boost and a bad day
Or a Smurf and a very talented player
i mean thye kinda can 💀
different computer
different ip
Up to your friend if he wants to get trashed in a high Elo though
getting boosted
just ruins everyones games
oh well, i just wanted to play on another account because i didnt want to "derank" on my main
Bro boosting is account sharing but that doesn’t mean you can log in on another pc
but ended up going against enemies that is harder than my main account
thats why i was pissed
i just wanted to chill and play
ye during boosting u ruin every games by smurfing and then after when the person plays it ruins the higher elo players games bc ur ass
and they basically get a thrower
is that a dia 3?

or 2
i cant tell
the difference
What’s your main
reyna i guess
jett sometimes
Nah I’m talkin acc
plat 1
just got up
tbh yes but its still against tos
it happened... double rank up to plat 1

great job!
but im still getting put against diamonds >:(
that means that the game thinks you are better than others in your rank; win more and your rr will shoot up
It just means Valorant thinks you play better matched with higher ranks 😌
mans complaining
fuckin take it and roll with it
you will be begging for such high mmr later
Nice! You're doing great! Wish I could get better RR like those. GJ!
i would if it was actually on my account
when i play on my main the lobbies are gold - plat (even tho the acc is plat 1), but it feels harder than going against diamonds on my friends account
but eh whatever it is what it is