why does my tickets keep getting automatically closed?

ive submitted a ticket with riot due to a restriction issue, but every time i submit one a bot replies and then its marked as solved. I havent been afk in any normal games, and the only reason why ive been afk in ranked is because of internet issues. Im trying to contact riot but its not working. Is there anything i can do?
5 Replies
Red3y ago
You're probably not getting a proper reply because there's nothing Riot can do. you kept AFKing which lead to your ban. you can try to explain the situation to them to let them know your internet disconnected, but you still AFK'd which Riot doesn't like. They know it's not always your fault and that accidents do happen which is why they allow occasional disconnects/AFKs, but if you're getting penalties from internet issues your best bet is to try to solve them Riot can't unban you because hundreds to thousands of people receive restrictions for AFKing/DCing every day. A lot of those people who intentionally disconnected or intentionally shut their internet off would try to contact Riot "hey my internet shut off it's not my fault." There's no way to tell if you're truthful, and if you're going AFK a lot because of internet issues, then Riot doesn't want you to play ranked. It's unfair to your teammates to have someone who constantly disconnects. (I'm not saying that all of these apply to you, but rather explaining why Riot doesn't really appeal AFK restrictions)
- lucifer 死 🥀
i understand, but i still find that ridiculous. Im iron 2, which is a really low rank so i dont know why the penalties should like so. Unfortunatedly, i cant fix the internet problem because...well...issues. Doesnt riot detect whether its afk or just internet issues? i remember reading about how they dont penalise people who go afk because of internet issues? sounds like cap now. but thank you anyway, i guess ill have to wait out the long timeout <a:k_noo:978200970863443978>
Red3y ago
You may not see the need for penalties, but it can be annoying and discouraging to other players for having penalties. Plus, penalties aren't just about RR gain/lose. and no, there is no way because as I mentioned earlier people can intentionally unplug their internet and claim for it to be an accident/not their fault
- lucifer 死 🥀
it doesnt penalise other players though, only the player who is afk regardless if the team won or not. joecrying i dont even know how to "unplug" the internet, it just goes down by itself out of nowhere and for absolutedly no reason. the internet provider is ass joesob
Red3y ago
It may not have penalized other players because they didn't have previous AFKs/DCs on their belt to warrant one

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