Account hacked
My account was hacked recently, and emails, username and password was changed and Im unable to recover. Though i have proof of evidence that it was my account with the username i created for riot; is there any way i can get support?
18 Replies
the account was close to immortal, and have over 100 skins on it, with the playtime being over 1000
um make a ticket
I made a ticket 13 hours ago and non of the team member has reached to me
they said not to spam, i emailed them but all they do is give me a link to submit a ticket
Just wait for them to respond, dw im sure they will get ur accnt back
Took me around 2 days to get my accnt back when it got hacked
im really stressed rn
yeah ik
ive been there b4
79263075 this was the ticket id but it says its not there
make anoyher ticket and add urgent in it or smth
the ticket isnt there apparently
how do i do that?
put urgent in the title
btw was ur account email changed and username password changed too?
my account email and pw got changed
aight i got hope ill get it back then
alr i gtg i got tuition now
i got proof that its my acc too like all screenshots
thanks for help
hope u get ur accnt back