why do i have black bars on my screen, even though i tried every method on youtube and still no help, can anyone pls help its so annoying
21 Replies
There are few soulutions that i know
But you'll need to tell me what u already tried
Try fill
yes there's that
I try to get on valorant to send him picture of it but it stuck on 0.1kb/s
for that you have to sign out and relog in
Imma try that hold un
It finished

Nice ty
my friend is having a problem with valorant not opening
Here's what u can try on valorant settings
Error code or nothing at all

try one of those

i searcg
@elo1._. did he installed windows 11 with not compatible cpu?
i have info in my community help thing
Do you want to keep the convo there?
I'll keep there
if it dosen't work
u can try
on the nvidia control panel or intel idk how it works on amd
Do as it shows here

Intel new control panel

In the old control panel

i think it's the second option or the third
keep me updated if non of those work
i tried all of these ways and still no solution
What res u tryna use?