Val 43 error
Hello, i would like to create a ticket but the riot support page is glitched on my browsers, i've been experiencing VAL 43 Error constantly i have tried everything, from reinstalling the game to reinstalling the drivers, flushing my dns, reinstalling vanguard, restarted my pc multiple times, ran it as administrator nothing seems to work, this started ocurring 11.18.2022 and my time zone is CET:UTC +01:00, i also have some screenshots of the error appearing and the website glitching out

43 Replies
just refresh the page
Tried doesn't work
what the browser you use
Opera GX
I've tried Chrome and Microsoft Edge
and just try it on google chrome or microsoft edge
Tried it it's the same thing
Also i've been getting an issue with Riot Client aswell it doesn't want to load up at all
i log in and everything and i get another error
let me send a screenshot of that too
hmm i think the problem from the internet

Any idea how i could fix this internet issue?
your youtube or google working normaly??
everything else working normally
I'm having issues on twitch for example 7tv stuff isn't working
ahhh try uninstall and install the riot client
just we fix this ugly problem
I can't even find the riot client in my applications on windows
should i just remove the whole folder from Riot Games local disk?
basically Riot Client doesn't load up, Valorant keeps giving me Val 43 Error and riot support page is glitched out completely
Where do i run the troubleshooter?
wait @fartcheeks
Yes i'm on a pc
go to control panel
that's Settings on windows 10 right?
you use windows 11??
Windows 10
just open control panel
i'm in settings already
There we go
Control Panel is open

Yeah i know but it's not showing there
i knowww
chose valorant

Valorant is deleted for me
i jsut deleted it before asking here
tried reinstalling it
still didn't work
But i do have League installed
ahh i uninstall the valorant just for you and i need to wait 1201984901284908 years but its o
uninstall it
what now?
uninstall all thing related of riot client
open the valorant web and install it
I deleted the entire Riot Games folder
not from your download folder in explorer i mean go to riot client web page
and download it
i can't download the client itself
only a game
do you have a link perhaps?
ah you want me to reinstall valorant again?
do not talk to these people whoever reads this afterwards, trolls sending inapropriate pictures in people's dms and asking for their photos and stuff
some child predator or some shit
Hey, ik it's late but something in your router settings is blocking riot services
That's why the site and the lquncher aren't loading properly
You can try turn on your phone hotspot and see if the site loads for you
(It should)
Try reaching your isp(Internet Service Provider) and ask them to fix the problem for you
The problem has nothing to do with the installtion of the client
I have managed to fix it, thank you anyways it ended up being my lack of IPv6