
I can't escape low elo

Hello, I understand this mindset is horrible, but solo queueing in silver is impossible to escape for me. I currently main neon, and do have over 100 hours on neon. Additionally I am practicing everyday with the movements. But still I keep on losing due to insta lock duelists, who bottom frags. Is there any good agent for solo queueing.
11 Replies
Wei3y ago
If you find a lot of insta lock duelists and you’re solo queuing yourself, I think it’s time for you to step down from being a duelist yourself and pick a more strategic agent better suited for solo queue. A good example being cypher
RQ3y ago
idk about cypher.. being a good soloque agent legit nobody uses the info he gives lmao
Noob3y ago
I mostly solo queue. I let my teammates pick first and they will be happy Then I fill
RQ3y ago
filling is kinda bad unless ur a really good player ngl
Noob3y ago
Nah I main smokes No one wants to play smokes except me. Also I fill if we need flashes, etc Pretty often Filling isnt bad Its really good to be flexible
jdiff3y ago
I feel that, me filling smokes so much made omen my #1 most played agent and honestly I enjoy it from time to time
Noob3y ago
Same I main brim Usually I perform really good with him
RQ3y ago
ye its just that nobodys that confident in all agents right like how i avoid duelists like the plague
Noob3y ago
Uh idk lol I dont even want to touch them
RQ3y ago
i main cypher and sova atm
KotaOP3y ago
For now I am thinking to try out chamber. Can get flank and very strong Thank you very much for the help tho

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