Vanguard Installing
Hello. Today I uninstalled vanguard and Valorant and wanted to download again. Valorant and Riot Client downloaded but Vanguard didn't I restarted my computer but it didn't help What can i do?
47 Replies
same with my game

i cant update
what can i do?
i dont know
i need help too
g'eve everyone
im having this error why is this happening when downloading valorant?

valorant is broken now
i think
when is it ganna be fix?
maybe later
or maybe it's actually on your pc
btw what's your rank?
iron 1

finally after many hours

I waited for a long time

where did u download vanguard
my brother pc
u installed valorant in other pc?
I don't know, I'll ask my brother how to download it
Try restarting and hold on a special button then go into the motherboard settings
Somewhere there you’ll find out the problem
Tbh I forgot the setting
but finally


i downloaded valorant today 5 times everytime it shows the same problem it downlaods valorant but not vanguard

Try searching in folders to uninstall it idk
Like everywhere with a link to riot
try to restart your pc
i restarted my pc and it came
Cuz if you download league, it also downloads val

hmm ok
it doesnt work i restarted my computer
guess its time to retire valo 

finally within two months was back to the diamond again

how do you fix this
i was like 2 days trying everything

1 time it was ok but it ask me to reboot everytime i tried to play
are you able to send me a video because i don't know exactly what to do
play unra?
hi guys
no nothing is broken im just playing for hours