Critical error has occurred
Hello there, I tried to open my game and it was working normally yesterday and got this error

34 Replies
I tried to run VGC as automatic and deleted local files but still getting the same error
Same here.
Can any1 help?
off msi afterburner and riva rtss
ya samething here
turn off msi after burner and riva rtss
dont have any of them
seems like many ppl are facing the same error

hwo u access that
windows + r > services.msc > search for vgc > startup type automatic > start > apply > ok
it already on automatic
for me when I open valorant is the the hourglass next to the cursor pops up then dissapears then pops up then disappears.
then I get this error

this never happened before the update
same, it was working normally yday
I tried reinstalling the game that didnt work
I tried many thing and exit MSI afterburner works for me
ive been using ryzen master but not afterburner
yeah try closing that as well
doesnt work for me
I am in somehow

did you get this error at all
found out that I have RTSS opened, closed it and relaunched the game
and now its working normally
theres another trhead which says to update the game or smth idk
huh thats weird
I closed rtss and it worked for me as well
Yep, closing RTSS and MSI Afterburner works thanks 👍
I just uninstalled RTSS bc I never use it might as well uninstall afterburner as well since I dont need it
If you get that error try
Ctrl + r
Type services.msc
Find 'vgc' service and double click or right click to go to properties. Now set the startup type to 'Automatic'. Then in the same tab there will be a 'Start' button. Click it unless it's already running.
Do the same thing with the 'virtual disk' service.
I had to delete riva tuna statistics
and it worked
you may have problems deleting it though
probably just
dont let it run in background
ive had it for over 2 years installed
just make sure its not interfering with valorant
thanks dude
it also worked for me
btw is it kinda a anti cheat system or smth?
no, it can be used to cap fps tho
i turned off msi afterburner and did all the stuff with vds and it worked! thanks