can someone please help me get to silver, im hardstuck bronze cause of my luck

i always have the worst luck ever with teammates. 2 games ago i got match mvp with a really good kd and only got 22 rr. my teammates werent actuallly bad. last game i got 2nd, and my teammates were horrible. reyna bottom fragged, our omen didnt know how to use his abilities and wouldnt buy anyone, and i carried. its so annoying how when i do well i get no rr and then next game i lose cause of my teammates. can someone please be my duo i always solo queue cause i cant play with my friends, and i always get bad comms
33 Replies
Treepax2y ago
can someone please respond and help me
The real Provani360
Get better
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
I mean even if someone boosts u,again u will derank,So better try to improve Aim,game sense, crosshair placment
Treepax2y ago
I need a duo
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Send some guys request If they accept,play with them
Seph2y ago
i got to plat 3 via solo queue so idk i was bronze 4 months ago how long you been playing?
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Power of KekwSob
Seph2y ago
LOL i only solo queue cus it really tests you and id say if you wanna queue with teammates use another account nice way to improve
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
there is some techniqual valorant issue where someone got updated version and other not so people updated cant play with anyone thats more important that someone is hardstuck go find a group
Seph2y ago
unlucky not the post for that tho sorry mate
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
SprayThisIsFine it's not,by morning it will fixed
Seph2y ago
man fr projecting his issue over someone elses
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Treepax2y ago
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Ok learn some basics
Seph2y ago
Treepax2y ago
I know hiw
Seph2y ago
you're definitely not doing some stuff you got a lot to learn
Treepax2y ago
Ok Well add me I can't talk rn
Seph2y ago
huh sorry mate but im doing my own stuff so yeah but dont take it as an insult, it just means you have a lot to improve and you can potentially carry if you learn some stuff everyone is always learning in this game
Treepax2y ago
As in add me as a friend on discord So u can help me I can't play now so maybe u can help another time
Seph2y ago
what rank are you?
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Treepax2y ago
Br 1
Rel Cloud ♡
Rel Cloud ♡2y ago
valorant = win, then lose over and over due to poor rank balance 1 game ill be going up against silvers + golds, next game its all plats
Treepax2y ago
Yeah same for me But I keep winning then losing
Rel Cloud ♡
Rel Cloud ♡2y ago
then how are you hardstuck in bronze if u win more than lose. ive been silver 2 for 3 weeks now and i play atleast 8 games a day
Treepax2y ago
They are equal
Noob2y ago
Got to ascendant with solo queue Honestly you cant really blame your teammates Your stupid to solo queue Just play with someone you know is good
owra2y ago
Think about getting better stop focusing on winning if youre good, you will rank up
Noob2y ago
Yep Focus on improving And you will rank up
owra2y ago
Try new playstyles, new agents, play aggressive/passive. When you die from trying out new things, you will have a better understanding of the game
kroma2y ago
When you solo q you have a high chance of getting bad teammates, try going into LFG servers and looking for people your skill to play with, also I would recommend taking up an IGL role and start overcommunicating stuff, asking for smokes, flashes, ect