can someone help me, after the harbor update my game was stuttering and fps drops

usually every first round in a match my frames are stuttering and sometimes through out the match. i have 8gb RAM
28 Replies
dog is cool
dog is cool2y ago
ah same
2y ago
bro 8 gb ram doesnt tell u show good ur pc is in the slightest
dog is cool
dog is cool2y ago
shoti2y ago
is 8gb RAM not enough?
2y ago
no it just doesnt tell us anything
shoti2y ago
how is that helping my stuttering problem TT
くるみ2y ago
you should tell us your pc specs, or are you on laptop?
shoti2y ago
くるみ2y ago
im also on a laptop, could you tell me your laptop specs? is it low end mid end? cause ram only doesnt tell us
shoti2y ago
No description
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
I've got the same specs as you op and im noticing any issues Have you been cleaning your desktop and stopping dust buildup?
くるみ2y ago
you have a decent laptop, but the thing is your 8gb ram isnt fully used since windows used the other 3gb. my advice delete your temp files set valo to lower settings, and use cooler pad so that your laptop wont be hot while playing
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
^^^ also if you're using up a lot of space on whatever drive valorant is on try to delete some of the files to give it space incase you dont know how to get to temp just press windows button + r and type in %temp% then delete everything in the folder
shoti2y ago
how to use my RAM completely
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
On top of that its good to check if your AMD software is up to date and minimize back ground applications that are running at the same time
shoti2y ago
ye ive been doing that
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
you cant... that little bit that's not accessible is because the operating system is using it
くるみ2y ago
you cant, cause its for your windows you can add more ram if you want but before that check if your laptop can handle more than 8gb
shoti2y ago
can over heat cause the sttutering ? cause i havent cleaned the vents in my laptop for years
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
yes 100%
くるみ2y ago
for laptop its quite tricky, but i really recommend to buy a cooler pad cause playing in flat surfaces make the it heat more faster
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
you dont NEED a cooling pad but itll help
くるみ2y ago
oh, you need to cleaned it
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
put it on a surface that disperses heat better like wood and please clean your vents if you want to go the extra mile and have experience doing it before you could take apart your laptop and apply new thermal paste but if you do be careful, its delicate in there
shoti2y ago
do i need to open my laptop to clean it?
くるみ2y ago
✨Yushiro✨2y ago
if you want a deep clean if you want to clear the vents some pressurized air will do the trick if its been years then opening will be better though
2y ago