Staff abuse? Server Owner? Please assist?
I have had a few issues with getting mods to assist with what is clear breaking of rule #7, People using the insta revive to keep people locked down and bully them which is clearly stated in your rules, and when I asked for assistance from mods, I was told by Mods Steph and Mods Robotic that I needed to get good at PVP and it was there for a reason. Now I highly doubt that that is not covered under blatant cheating and abuse of the system, especially considering that in this circumstance, I was not there to even fight anyone when an abuser decided to come up and just engage me for no reason. I was clearly 5 blocks up the street and minding my own business, also, after the first 5 kills where it was repeated, Spawn, kill, spawn, kill, etc before I asked for mod assistance. Of which was met by childish antics and telling me that apparently rule #7 is not under their job description. You ask people to pay money and support your server, yet, your mods let their buddies just run rampant on here, and tell people to get good? You won't be keeping supporters around if that kinda behavior is allowed to happen. Where the mods make exceptions to the rules? This is not the first time I've seen steph ignore the rules too. I'd like to talk to the people who brought them on as a mod, because they have 0 people skills as a moderator.
28 Replies
rare-sapphire•3y ago
respawning instantly is not abusing any feature or breaking any rule, if you don't want to pvp you can also type /passive or go to the chill lobby
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Killing someone every time they spawn when not even trying to PVP Is abuse. I was trying to be passive. He came 5 blocks up to me.
He was killing me faster than I could swap modes, which is abuse.
rare-sapphire•3y ago
spawn killing is not abuse tho
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
How so? It's blatent harrasment?
rare-sapphire•3y ago
you can always just press f3 and switch quickly
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
So I'm supposed to just let a dude abuse the fact that I can respawn in place?
rare-sapphire•3y ago
you should have a spawn protection timer, its more than enough time to switch lobbies, type /passive or just grab a car and run, or you can just press E to spawn in another location
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Well, I was not even having an opportunity to do that which is why I called mod, dude kept tping to me and shit.
I would call that harrasment.
rare-sapphire•3y ago
if the guy was teleporting to you for clear pvp purposes you can report him
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Which is what i was trying to do!
I called a mod.
Of which I was told to get good BY THE MOD!
So I ask again.
How is that wrong?
You were complaining in chat instead of using our ingame /report or M - Online player (Report) features
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Robotic, Naw, listen here man.
We offer passive, teleport and a different lobby to escape to if someone is harassing you
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
You spoke your peace, you told me to report.
Now I am.
In support
Which isn't #tickets where it should be
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Both of you avoided doing your job because it was more convinenient to tell me to fuck off.
Not this one.
I'mma speak to your boss.
Go for it need #tickets
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Cool, when you get in trouble and have your shit revoked for blatent abuse of your mod status, we will see.
Open a ticket and we’ll investigate 🙂
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
Thank you.
Opening a support topic is definitely the wrong way to go about it
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
It says on the thing that tickets are supposed to be a last resort, so I didn't think that was where I was supposed to put this.
I didn't wanna get banned for posting something in there without being told to.
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
It is saying I have no permissions in tickets channel?
It told me to come to support?
That after hitting staff report?
Or when you go to the page
foreign-sapphireOP•3y ago
I see no staff report sub catagory.
I see the tickets chat.
Nothing else.
So you don't get this?