Why do you get timed for 3 hours just for afking?!!

Ok I get leaving the match BUT AFKING?!? even for 3 mins I got a 3 hour time out JUST FOR AFKING yeah 1 - 10 minutes make sense BUT 3 HOURS?!? IT MAKES TO SENSES and my riot KEEPS CRASHING IN THE MIDDLE OF GAMES SO ITS NOT MY FAULT WHEN I HAVE TO LEAVE AND COME BACK!!!!!! I hate it!!!
2 Replies
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT3y ago
They wouldn't normally give 3 hours ban just for 3 mins afk,u have left many times before,
Red3y ago
-Riot doesn't ban based on one time AFK offenses so you would have to have left/AFK'd multiple times -If your game keeps crashing, you should consider looking for solutions -Riot cannot tell the difference between DCing/AFKing and a game crashing/internet shutting off and even if it could people would find ways to easily abuse it it's the fact that you got fully disconnected from the game and didn't spawn in for at least one round that landed you the penalty

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