How to fix career
what to do if ur carreer looks smt like this?
I have a duo, we both consistently top frag π

5 Replies
try to play reyna less
she brings little to no util to the team
i know duelists are needed but i would say its better to play raze or jett
Reyna is made to top frag btw,so if u take other agents,u will know the 

I was a huge Reyna main and I kinda felt a debuff while playing her. So I changed to jett and I have more use and can play better
Try playing jett bc you create space for the team and have more util
i donβt know man, sometimes i get reynas bottom-fragging with stats 5/20/0
I mean yeah,u cant top frag anytime
I just hate the sentence when they take Reyna and say bruh i am top fragging every game,still we cant win the games
I will be like wtf bruh u want omen to top
agree u play good,just play,u will easy rankup