9 Replies

Is ur problem that suppressed jett can draft?
suppressed jett cant dash and timer still runs
All about balancing and countering tbh
Kayos main util is about util denial from the enemy
Forcing them to be smart with abilities that have timers
reynas ult has a timer though
it just pauses her timer
kayo is broken either way
the grenade does way more dmg than kj
the agent abil is the only one that suppresses other agents
the ult suppresses and allows him to be revived
There are better agents
Supression is big, but not that much, considering it rarely hits more than 2 enemies unless your opponents are rushing
Ult reveals your position, so it is not that easy
Only 1 nade, kj got 2
Right click does not flash anymore, now enemies have time to avoid the flash.
Kayo is not broken
well still good
it does if you know placements
kayos 1 nade still kills in 2 hits
You are not getting hit twice by it very often
Its good
Not broken
A tier, where all agents should be