forgot riot email
I have a riot account and i know its username and password. However, i forgot the email to which the account is linked. And since 2FA is enabled, i cannot login. Is there something i can do here?
13 Replies
u login with username and pword
as i mentioned, 2FA is enabled and i cannot log into the account since it sends an email to the linked email
and i dont have access to the email where the security number is sent
phone number ?
how do i recover using that?
did u not link phone number
i did link it
but i do not know how to recover using it
just contact support
I have. They havent replied 😦
I spend quite a lot of money on there. Im desperate at this point
give it a week
Yeah don't worry, if u have your phone number linked you can get it back, just wait for support to reply
alright thanks