i got banned
shortly after this clip i got banned.. im only iron 2 and it was a false ban
5 Replies
thats prolly not the reason you got banned
shortly after the clip? so u got banned during the game>?
or did you just wanted to share a clip 

i dont see why i would want to share that
its a shit clip
ive done more than that i went like 55-13 in a ranked game earlier with plat 2 players when im only iron 2
im getting banned which makes no sense
https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new submit a ticket
already did
i doubt they will unban me
i've sent them clips though of the game i aced and went 55-13
if ur unban request gets denied then we cant help
how can iron player get matched with a plat player