How to uninstall?
The game is taking up my whole storage space at over 500gb and i want to get rid of it. Didn't like how people teleport or fly across the map in seconds to one tap me 3 seconds into the round and queue against level 500s while my team was newbies
Where is the hidden uninstall button? Can't do it from windows or applications. neither the launcher
21 Replies
Go into control panel > programs
and uninstall from there
That isn't working.
And it's strange there isn't a uninstall button in the launcher for the game itself
Can you send a screenshot
While it's fucking my harddrive
i press uninstall in a couple different places. for no response to happen

What the heck
It's actively changing sometimes too
Valorant is that big?
Yeah it puts ark or call of duty to shame lmao
did you try it from
"add or remove a program"
got pretty sick of people teleporting behind me to 1tap me from across the map or fly. So not really interested in reinstalling it any time soon
thats only a visual bug
val is barely 30gb
im experiencing a lot of system lag and was at 1mb of storage
it calmed down though
prolly from other apps?
Did the game's shortcut disappear
but if you want to uninstall it delete the valorant file from riot's folder ig


I was fucking wondering why games felt a little slow today. Didn't notice half of my storage was like. filled
It must've been from it reupdating 100 times a day
Because every time i open it it's either already mid updating or it has to update again after i close it for 5 minutes