valorant disconnect

how dles that work, i have high ping and redtart my pc cuz it usually fixes it, and all of sudden valorant says that my compability settings dont work, even tho i changed nothing. after half an hour of fixing it, im getting -20 rr cuz we lost and half an hour afk punishment timer.. just fix your game bro?? really wtf is this
2 Replies
Lan3y ago
run it as admin
fishy wishy
fishy wishyOP3y ago
lmao i am wdym just happened again, needed half an hour to fix it, game draw, lose 12 rr cuz riot games is stupid and then half am hour time punishment too. how is it my fault just fix your game how can u make the easiest part of programming to shit?? my gawd really i should go back to fortnite

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