any way to get valorant to be smoother other than making graphics low and changing resolution
cause i still freeze and frame drop a lot
41 Replies
try and play when ur family aren't online on any devices it could also be ur internet cable/wireless conection, if its not lined up correctly or ur using a faulty cable it can mess with ur ping and connection
There is a way
But it will make your pixel quality go drastically low
Do you play on a laptop? There could be thermal throttling happening. Also other specs of the computer might help solving this (RAM amount, cpu name, gpu name).
check your fps in settings

also if you have a lot of friends then unadd some like people from 1v1s or stuff
Does people in your friends list make your frames drop?
I don’t think so lmao
im playing on a laptop yea
limit fps always is at 60
raw input buffer is a great fps booster
I hope not
I have 200+
No lmao
it is
tahts what the point of it is
and it does a damn good job of it too

Very nice fps boosts
thats raw input
we're talking about raw input BUFFER
it changes the way the game calculates raw input
That is raw input buffer
the only byproduct is that it makes your aim smoother
it literally says "Raw Input setting"
by default raw input is on
we're talking about the beta setting raw input buffer
Raw input buffer is for mice
What you talkin abt
youre thinking of raw input
im talkign about raw input buffer
What is raw input buffer?
Raw Input Buffer is essentially an improvement to that setting, adjusting which APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are used for processing the raw inputs from your mouse. This decreases the input delay between your mouse and movements in-game.Apr 16, 2022
good fps gain honestly if ur at the end of ur wits and u got nothing else to tweak
Are you talking abt the raw input buffer setting in valo
r/VALORANT - Comment by u/RiotTorqued on ”Any info on raw input buf...
69 votes and 36 comments so far on Reddit
context from a riot dev
apparently works super well for 8k hz mice if anyone uses that

It doesn’t boost fps?
Its just for input delay
With 8k hz mice, this has a very large performance impact and needs to be used with those mice for a playable experience. This was the largest motivation behind this setting.
It just sends mouse inputs a little faster, esp for 8khz mice
So why are you talking abt fps boosts
If this is for mice?
it boosts performance
as in frame performance as well
Source: trust me bro
With 1k mice, there is a modest performance gain, but not something that would be particularly noticeable to players given the variance in frame times throughout a round.
He’s literally saying for 1khz mouse raw input buffer would be near placebo
either that or it actually boosts fps cuz of the difference in processing the inputs, cuz a lot of people also report increased fps with it on
He’s never talking about performance as in fps
He’s talking about input delay
if u have a shitter pc could be a much noticeable performance gain
whatever bro ur just gonna keep saying "ehrm but actually not" without a source while u demand a source from me even though i gave you one
a lot of people report fps increases so worth a shot, and it helps with smoothness in general so probably best to leave it on
The source you sent literally agreed with my statement?
The riot dev didn’t even say anything pointing towards fps boosts
He even said with 1khz mouse its practically placebo
im using a laptop so that might be the reason but then again i get stable 60 a lot,
the lagging started when i went on 4:3 and switched back to 1920x1080 after a couple rounds
very weird
wtf raw input buffer stopped the freezing when moving my mouse
ty @nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa