I've reported a person for sexism and toxicity with eligible proof. No penalties?
I reported a player on valorant for toxicity and sexism (with video proof of him telling me to go back to the kitchen, etc) and I have gotten no response in regards to the penalties that he got. I submitted a ticket on the official Riot support website and I reported him in-game directly after he said what he said to me. The video i submitted literally had him telling me to go back to the kitchen and I don't even know if anything has been done to his account or if he's been penalised..
13 Replies
that's the video and excuse what i said to him... lol
Jeez thats a lot of work to try to punish someone lmao
But yeah if he get penalised youre gonna get an email
Mods here can't do anything about in-game complexes but I sure hope he gets a strike!
um that sucks but usually if u have good team mates and ur fed up u can convince them to report him and u can surrender, or threaten to report it usually scares the a-holes into shutting up
in game itll say 'Thanks for your report ... helping our community safe.. the player has been penalised' the next time u log on
He fr got on my nerves and he’s also a kid.. gotta make sure he learns
Yh idk where these 10 year olds are learning this type of thinking in this day and age 🙄
All i can ask is where are there parents
Yh lolz, honestly kill them With kindness, if you start telling them they are so smart and manly, or somthn along those lines, they will shut up XD
Usually anyway
I’ve tried that with another person, ended up just muting them. Sometimes those types of people just can’t be reasoned with