ping spikes
i cant fix this, its happening for last 6 months, got new internet cableline, have ethernet, tried everything and still pings cant stay stable in valorant (only in valorant, does not happen in csgo) someone help man
7 Replies
If you know 100% ur on ethernet from ur PC to ur modem, try temporarily plugging your modem directly into your PC via ethernet, getting a new IP and seeing if you get lag spikes. Do this temporarily, tho, so you get back behind the protection of your router if you have one.
If you've tried all this, you should call your ISP. They should be able to help you diagnose what could be causing latency problems. It could be something they can solve on their end.
i did, they cant find a issue, again it only happens in valorant, i play cs alot never happens, apex too cod too
If it's not on your side of the modem, there won't really be anything you can do. Best you can do is be insistent with your ISP until they help you out. Other than that, there truly isn't much you can do.
rip man idk wtf is this issue
i did cmd test everything seems fine
Same issue just give up devs dont give a fk ive seen alot of people complain on twitter I provided so many information and proved it wasnt isp issue and at the end they just start ignoring
TBH, it's more likely on your or your ISP's side. Amazon's way more connected than your ISP will be so they're doing their parts to keep latency and jitter low Some residential ISP's even go out of their ways to have direct peering with Riot's network.
But if your ISP doesn't really care, there isn't much Riot or their ISP's can do to become more directly connected to you.
check you servers