
Is it that bad to solo queue, I don't have loads of friends to play with

I am bronze 1 right now, fairly hardstuck as a level 38 of the game (called fairly new), I really want to climb, but sometimes teamates hinder my performance (like insta-lock reynas), I'm not trying to say I'm the best at the game, but is it possible to climb from bronze to plat in 6 months with playing 1 game everyday on a weekday and around 5-6 games on weekends?
1 Reply
me3y ago
soloq's just fine. you may find more balanced lobbies (on average) then if you stack. BUT it's sometimes more fun to have one or two constants in ur matches. as for how long, you can calculate it ur self: each division is 100rr. as long as you're consistent, it's 20rr for each win.

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