Unable to update valorant-caused a spiral of problems that I cannot seem to fix.

I got off today right before the update. When I opened it up again, it prompted the update message. OK no big deal. However, it would start to update, but then stop updating. Confused, I restarted my pc- still didn't update. I decided to uninstall the game, but when reinstalling, it would still not update. I tried reinstalling the client, clearing storage, still nothing. Finally, the client booted up this error msg: "Couldn't install dependency error" I tried to reinstall vanguard, but the issue is, it WOULD not let me. I went into settings to manually uninstall, but once I tried to uninstall, nothing happened. Vanguard was still there. It can currently UPDATE, but after an hour, it is at 15 percent, so I'm assuming something is up. Any tips?
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