Atm im using 800 dpi and 1 sense in game.I heard its really high so should i turn it down?
20 Replies
i feel its low tho
should i turn it up
Eventually you have to stick to something. Your aim will only get better if you get used to your sense.
At a sens of 800dpi, it's ideal to stick to between 0.3-0.7 in-game sens
0.5 is a good middle ground and you can work upwards or downwards from there
1 sens in game is indeed too high
It sacrifices accuracy severely
stick with 800dpi and try tuning your sens between 0.3 and 0.7
it may seem very slow at first but you will get used to it quickly and your aim will thank you
i tried .6 and my hand litrlly started hurting
then work to build muscle memory
if im comfortable w 800 and 1 will it work
are you sure you are at 800dpi
or will my aim be trash

you should only have to move your hand around a ruler's length max
on the mousepad
i dont have a mousepad
table is good
what rank ru
i mean
if your sens has got you to plat
then it cant be too bad
yeah lol
perhaps you should just stick with what feels right for you
maybe its just a difference in your setup
as long as your cursor isnt flying then it should be fine