how do I delete valorant and riot games off of my Windows 7 pc?
My old computer does not let me have more than 2 decent sized games on my pc at a time. I have not been playing valorant recently, so I decided I should delete it for a new game. When I look up how, all the tutorials are for windows 10 or higher. Can anyone help?
68 Replies
Go to control panel , then go to uninstall a program, and thats it. It will require a restart.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! idk why people cant be that straight forward in tutorials haha
it worked!
No problem!
This didn’t work for me; it physically WONT uninstall. Is there a way to repair the game/uninstall it in the client? My computer straight up won’t uninstall it
you can try revo uninstaller
its a software designed to remove all files from a software on a windows PC
So there’s no way to just repair the game files in the client? My game won’t update (stuck at 0%) so I want to find the quickest solution, I don’t NEED to uninstall but I will if I have to
I can maybe(?) find the files manually and delete them
sadly they dont have any repair tools, normally the update would catch corrupt files. How long has it been at 0%?
I once tried updating for a good hour… 0%. If you mean when it started, maybe 3 months ago. Just never wanted to play then so I didn’t care.
@Deleted User
It’s not my internet as everything updates smoothly on steam
Other games (league) update just fine
did you ever launch the game before this happened?
Awhile ago once or twice I played
I’m not an avid valoranter so definitely not too many times
This has happened to me before but it fixed itself after awhile… this won’t go away tho
Is my only option just manual uninstall? @Deleted User
if you go to the appdata directory and then go to /local/RiotGames/ is there anything under your Valorant folder
you should see a logs folder
it may be called Install VALORANT
I would just sort by date modified and open the most recent one
If that downloads said version, I would assume it just opens the client to download as Valorant itself does
so im not sure if that would help, unless I am misreading what you are saying
I was just seeing if there was logs in the folder
Any errors get logged there
I was just seeing if you had any logs there
That would show errors you’re having
nevermind what I said im a bit silly
let me check rq
No problem 😂
I swear im not that dumb bro
all good
There isn't even a riot games folder or val folder to begin with
unless I am just awful at searching
it should be in a directory like "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Riot Games"
if you hit Windows key + R
I was on roaming; found it!
see anything
[0129/] Failing CreateMapBlock
[0129/] Failed to save user data
[0129/] Destroying invalid entry.
[0129/] Critical error found -8
[0129/184610.223:WARNING:storage_block-inl.h(131)] Failed data load.
[0129/184610.223:WARNING:storage_block-inl.h(131)] Failed data load.
unsure if any of this has to relate to the issue but
that's ab it
Critical Error
doesnt sound too good
ermmm critical error
wish it gave an error code
yeah not much to look at there, definitely will probably have to do a fresh install sadly
I am unsure how that would relate to a client issue though.. im sure that's just game related but im not really much into IT
when i had a client issue
mine repaired itself
000006.121| OKAY| Rechunk: Found 1385 chunks in 55407104-byte file UX/libcef.dll with id 3EF84C9397AF4B8C
000006.335| OKAY| Rechunk: Found 96 chunks in 3518336-byte file vgrl.dll with id EA2B77B954960B14
000006.336| OKAY| Repair completed in 0.7 secs
like so
I could just
find the valorant file and delete it
and if I don't get it all
im sure client will detect it
and be like "aw shucks!" or some shit
you could but riot likes to bind a lot of registry entries
The registry entries could be the issue instead of just the files
and i would not recommend to manually edit registry
what's the worst that could happen
editing registry? the worst that can happen will be you needed to reinstall all of windows
deleting files in the valorant folder?
youll need to reinstall valorant
worth it to play val

r u suuuure uninstalling valorant won't reset windows?? 🥺
Vanguard will make you restart your pc
thats it
I uninstalled vanguard some time ago I think
just not val
thats your problem
you cant uninstall vanguard
"ermm you can't uninstall vanguard 🤓 "
its their way to verify you arent modifying game files
well yeah
they just
reinstall it
the game can't communicate with the anticheat so it goes "huh" and reinstalls it
since the files r missing
yeah youre talking about riot games
then it reboots my pc cuz kernel level anticheat
im guessing you never played league of legends
I play league
the hextech repair tool never worked for 10 years
they literally recommend fresh installs for corrupt files
what the fuck is the hextech repair tool
I ahve never heard of it
thats the original league repair tool
tbf game is like 2 gb
as the client couldnt self repair
oh also this issue persisted b4 I uninstalled it
I just had the game not update, then I was like "never playing this shit anyway" and uninstalled vanguard
oof, id just do a fresh install and call it a day
you could have already done an uninstall-reinstall by now
I mean how big is the game nowadays
windows lies and says its 2.5TB lol
damn that's small as hell what

I blame riot tbh
CoD type download
pretty much what owning a single call of duty feels like
100 gb update for one texture recolor
and its a texture on a DLC sticker