Are there valorant teams?

Hey all, I've interacted with ppl who say they're on a team, where can I learn more about this? Is this like a school thing or are there actual ladders where teams compete?
16 Replies
wyvern3y ago
in the valorant lfg server you can build a profile for yourself and post it in the players looking for teams channel or look at the teams looking for players channel and contact one of the teams where you meet the criteria, your team will usually take care of entering tourneys and such, this isn’t the only way but I would argue is the easiest barring your school having one
tikkiOP3y ago
My school doesn't, just didn't know if the ppl I play are like in a school thing or smth So is all the info in the lfg server? If so I'll just ask my other questions there
wyvern3y ago
you can’t rlly ask questions in lfg I’d say just look in the teams lf players channel and contact some teams that you meet the criteria for
luci3y ago
There are schools that offer their own esports teams, but if you do some digging you'll find there are loads of teams. Twitter is where most teams advertise themselves, as well as youtube. There are ladders where teams compete too, some are official events like valorant champions, others are community based
tikkiOP3y ago
Gotchya Is valorant champions consistent or is it a one time thing?
luci3y ago
its annual
tikkiOP3y ago
How long is the season?
luci3y ago
just for champs? i think it went on for a few weeks
tikkiOP3y ago
Mk, is that for all skill levels or just like higher level ppl?
luci3y ago
No description
tikkiOP3y ago
Ohhhhhh Ok that makes more sense now, thank you How long is the whole thing combined? Like challengers - champions
luci3y ago
if you're interested in the esports area you should follow valorant esports news twitter pages
tikkiOP3y ago
Yeah, imma do that
luci3y ago
No description
tikkiOP3y ago
So for like most of the year, gotchya Thank you!!
luci3y ago

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