changing region

hey, im moving soon out of country for studies and i wanted to change my region to the country im moving (payment options) but i also want to play with my friends, will they be removed? or will i be not able to play with them anymore?
5 Replies
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT3y ago
If u want to play with old friends,u cant if u change reigion Better make new acc
shiverOP3y ago
im moving from EUWest to Turkey btw, i think it will not be a high ping issue if i play on eu servers from turkey, since they are close
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT3y ago
But there won't be eu servers right in turkey U can change ur region,but all rank,friends will go U should have eu acc to play with them,
James3y ago
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