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Lets go! Valorant Scam Me Bye Bye 400$, Ty Riot Games, Closed my Ticket and now I can’t Create more any Tickets now……. Wow this 😕 Support
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Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Hello R4ycll2, sorry for the inconvenience this caused you but only the account creator can ask for it to be restored as account transfers, sales and trading are not recognised. As I have already informed you, we take account security very seriously at Riot. The information you provided is not sufficient to verify you as the creator of this account. Therefore we cannot grant you access to it. I'm sorry if this decision disappoints you, but it was made to prevent fraud and protect privacy. Kind regards symbolic I will take her beyond the edge of infinity. Specialist in technique and player behavior Riot Games Player Support Translated to English.

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