black screen on startup

i need help, i cant launch valo
4 Replies
ceb3y ago
Hey potato, am not sure if il be able to help but one of my friends had this issue and he had it fixed. Here are a few fixes which you can try 1. Run as admin 2. Alt+Enter 3. (Worked magically for one of my friend once, not sure about you) Right clickk valorant => Properties => Compatibility Settings => Tick [Run as Admin] at the bottom, and at the top Choose "Run this program in compatible mode for" Then choose Windows vista[Service pack 2] Assuming you dont have problems pressing the "PLAY" button on Riot
Justin The Terrible
i dont have any problems with the play on riot and i did all of those, still black screen windows vista? i think its on window 8 nope doesnt work
ceb3y ago
it could be your graphic card drivers, but thats unlikely tbh.
Justin The Terrible
updated everything, other games r normal except val

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