Is raw accel bannable?

My friend who tried out raw accel got perma banned. However i see some ppl and streamers use it and them not getting banned
19 Replies
Panćake3y ago
usually its not raw accel that got people banned but another 3rd party that isnt authorized people who get banned just blame raw accel but they likely had a cheat or something
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
No description
artificales jr.
artificales jr.OP3y ago
K thank you
Red3y ago
it's not caught by Vanguard but any 3rd party program is a use at your own risk
artificales jr.
artificales jr.OP3y ago
Can how about cc crosshair thing ?
Panćake3y ago
Technically this includes any and all 3rd party programs not just raw accel
Red3y ago
Same answer. any 3rd party program is a use at your own risk
Panćake3y ago
Given that statement, im assuming that everything is use at your own risk
Red3y ago
yep, any 3rd party program. just because it doesn't currently violate Riot's API doesn't mean it won't in the future.
Panćake3y ago
Its a good reason, but i hope that riot would be able to respond to support tickets for wrongful bans
Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago
HEY please help me in #windows cannot access the specified device path or file
Red3y ago
I've heard mixed things about support for wrongful bans, so I'm unsure if the ban will get lifted or not.
Panćake3y ago
Yeah and that would suck for whoever gets struck
Metal3y ago
GamerDoc (@ItsGamerDoc)
Just want to say that the anti-cheat does not ban you for using RawAccel, it has abuse cases but we do NOT ban it. The people who make these TikToks got caught using private/public cheats and are mad about it so they have to spread misinformation like that to everyone.
Metal3y ago
GamerDoc (@ItsGamerDoc)
I am not saying go ahead it's safe to use RawAccel use it at your OWN RISK this goes for any application ever really anything YOU use is at your OWN RISK of using it.
artificales jr.
artificales jr.OP3y ago
Ok, thank you for the response!
Panćake3y ago
Yeah, im pretty sure its like the tweet says Any case of me hearing someone getting banned for 3rd party and them blaming it on raw accel, its usually bc of another 3rd party/cheat and they got reported for it My friend does use raw accel and nothing has ever happened to him Its the only 3rd party he uses
Red3y ago
also keep in mind just because other people don't get banned for it doesn't mean it's not bannable it's just not caught by Vanguard
Panćake3y ago
Yeah, im just saying that its a possibility, but the possibility is pretty low

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