25 Replies
Mhm strange try updating thw drivers
latest version
how is that thing called
I don't know, it's supposed to work on weaker devices
i mean the thing u used to check if it compatible
Search Google for can run it
tough u used some kind of app
i think your gpu is too old to have d3d11 with shader model 5 unfortunately
however, with a gtx 260 and a core 2 quad, i dont think thatd be a very enjoyable experience. you’d probably get 15-30 fps.
i dont think you can do much, you'd probably need an upgrade. a 1050 ti runs well and its like 130 dollars on amazon
your GPU doesn't support DX11 which means there's no way to run the game on it
also your cpu probably wont run valorant well, you'd get very little fps. if you want to upgrade your gpu, youd also need to upgrade your cpu. i saw an 11th gen i7 upgrade kit for like 400 dollars a few days ago
Unfortunately this is a big amount for me
oh, rip
i dont think you can do anything about that unfortunately
@body05174 i think there's a way to run valorant on your pc
click this

and go to manage 3d settings

what is it
by using the intel HD 4000 as a graphic card for valorant
not the nvidia card
seems like intel HD 4000 supports DX11 and shaders
go to manage 3d settings and take a screenshot
ah mb nevermind
your cpu doesn't have intel hd 4000

The strange thing is that you are supposed to work on the weakest devices
the game is running on DX11 api engine
which means u need a gpu that supports this api
there are some people on youtube who have same GPU as your and able to run the game idk why
i don't know
youtube this video
it might help
