Can i restart my accouny
cmon man im trying my best + im being toxic whenever someone IS toxic TOWARDS ME
Is there any way i can "restart" my acc
11 Replies
i got banned* and i want to restart it thats what im trying to say
no. you can only delete your account
its not permanent but a whole team reporting me for saying damnit
is fucked
then dont say it
mute whole team or get a good group to play with
i dont think that is offencive in any way
+ im toxic when someone is toxic towards me as i said
i mean the enemy team
when you use certain words like dammmit shit etc you can get banned
the bot just finds a profane word and bans you.
mute all enemy chat
they are nowhere helpful yk
i still want to connect with an mod or smt since its unfair i understand it and thanks for helping too
Maybe they are being toxic bc u are, u just don't realize
mf started screaming at me
yeah sure
wdym sure mate