Max framrate possible settings
Okay so herere is my issue
I jave average 180 fps mid rounds
But now that im starting to play as a team and executes (lot of utility in-site) are a very often event and im getting fps drops.
I have already everything on low because i really don't need ir on max graphics resolution.
If anyone can help or has any tip i would be grateful
106 Replies
1. Dpends on how much it drops
2. Cant really help much coz of util, thats what riot can handle and decrease it, shld be smth like lower effects for utilis tho.
The problem is I do have 16ram and rtx 2060 I feel like it should be higher Much higher If im not wrong it goes from 180 to 70 And i do have a 144hz monitor so Its fking me up
The problem is I do have 16ram and rtx 2060 I feel like it should be higher Much higher If im not wrong it goes from 180 to 70 And i do have a 144hz monitor so Its fking me up
Maybe try caping
preferablle to cap your fps at the hz
because even tho with 144 hz if you have 1000 fps itdoesnt matter your display will show till 144 fps only
But that would change anything?
(i don't know that's why i ask)
I woudnt say rtx 2060 is a high end gpu but for valorant it give 250-300 fps, maybe your cpu is bottlenecking with your gpu
How can i check that and in case i do know is it fixable?
If your fps falls from 1000 to 500, that would be a major lag than 550 to 500, so cappinig its better
And would 4:3 give me more fps?
Bottleneck means that, your gpu is powerful but cpu isnt that powerful to handle the processes of gpu, whats your cpu tho?
I actually do play at that resolution but it's just because i played csgo a lot
That would but it isnt preferable, rtx 2060 for valorant gives 300 fps tbh, defo some issue
i7 10th
If im not wrong
If you are used to it then sure go ahead, stretched reso doesnt strech players like it does in csgo tho
Can i get the exact cpu?
If posible
press ctrl shift esc
Im not at the computer rn
aa i see
But i think i have it written down
lemme check if i can find o ut
I think its
i7 10th 10700k
Could be a older one or a newer one
I mean one above one below
Tbh I'm pretty sure is that model
that gives arou nd 200-220 fps with no drops
Do you have any apps opened in the background
Close steam defo
raindrop is no worries
also cap your fps
If you want you can play stretched
Bruh i said raindrop
Its rainmeter
And make sure "Improve clarity" is off
Yea thats always off
I really think i have something not configurated properly
oh i thought the mark manager
iv heard of it
No the widget one
oooooooooh yes
for wallpapers i suppose
aesthetic pc
benchmarks gives off a solid 200 fps +
I get 62 fps pubg stable
I really don't know if it should be like that
your settings are on low right?
Like always 62
On csgo i played 4:3 low and i usually got 200 average too
Thats really weird
Like 1y ago
csgo gives more frames i suppose
specialy on 4:3
Yes yes but i used to record the gameplay too
Ah yea i have geforce experience too
And the omen thingy that optimizes the game automatically
Could that auto optimization be the issue?
ye might be
1 second
It always frees ram usage tho
Yea sure
Okay ill drop a few fixes
1. Close steam
2. Disable startup apps
3. Cap fps at hz
4. Low quality
5. Right click valorant exe, in properties disable fullscreen optimization
6. From nvidia panel, if nvidia it is, from there make sure that max fps there is set too off
Startup apps are steam and GeForce experience and rainmeter
7.add valorant to high performance mode
8. Play in fullscreen mode
Discord is disabled the startup
And ofcourse vanguard
9. keeep reso stretched if youdont care about blur
Already do because i changed resolution
Point 5.
Whats that?
Fullscren optimizationn
Yea but well yea the name gives it away
And the nvidia panel
The fps on max off?
Full screen optimization makes your op system optimize apps and games that take whole screen
Like wouldn't it be better to have it on max?
I mean the setting says : Max fps set on : So keep it "Off"
I do have windows11 too i hope thats not an idsue
it slike capping
Man thats a huge issue ngl
valo supports win 11 but not officialy
It happened same before the fps drops but never bothered me
tons of ppl have complained that it slows down the performance
I checked the performance on the 4 games i play and all go the same
World war 3
But yea now i care abt valorant perfomance so i wanted to top it

I read that when w11 came out at first
I see
i advice ppl so recently like 4 days ago one more prson was havin an issue
with frame drops lag spikes and low fps
As windows10 is getting no updates when we reach 2023
Its gonna be hella fun then
when win 10came out
t hey said they gon putall updates in win 10
and thre will be no win 11
advertising their way around š
Okay so
1. Close steam startup
2. Stop omen automatic optimization
3. Check nvidia panel
4. Die if it not works
Yea i remember that
I still don't understand why the w11 update disabled the secure boot
But enabled virtualization technology like
And yea really thanks you for helping
no worries,, it wo uld be waste if noth works but all i can do is pray
Im going home right now
I'll tell u
I still think there is some misconfiguration on my pc
Something isnt right

these are my startup apps
plus discord
that i just opened it
i dont find the thing of max fps off on nvidia control panel

the nvida latency on is worth?

i just put that everything off
and the msaa
cuz i do not care abt that tbh
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz this is mine
@rpm171 whatever your fps drops to, set that as your max so when it drops it doesnt stutter and make you lag
my fps always go from 150-200 so i set max to 150 so when it drops i dont notice
It drops to 70 so i won't max it
he legit has rtx 2060 he cant cap to 70 my g
Everything feels goodi dont think msaa does much you can keep it on off
Youve tried all the fixes i told, only 2 opts remain,
1. Can you tell the % used by gpu and cpu when valorant is runn ing by taskmanager?
2. Also the temprature
give me a moment
u mean

and the temp

even the temprature isnt a probl em
and even if it was
i can higher the ventilation

now i do have 144 stable
like always 144
thats better
you have a 144 hz monitor
if its stable 144 fps then its no worries
when i use kayo ult
it goes down by 1
but just the animation
i guess this is fine
yep its totally fine
well lets pray
at 144 hz, if you are getting 144 fps its perfect
if it drops its bad
and dont care if you get 1000 fps (more then 144 i mean)
144 hz 144 fps = 144 hz 1000 fps
thats true
do u know
if highering
the vibrance
can get any issue?
from nvidia panel
Vibrance of monitor i believe?
If its for monitor or display then its no problem, for application it might be but that also not by much, negligible
amount of loss of performance for quality
a yea
u seem to know a lot abt this topic
what does the hz and the fps have in common?
cuz one is a Time unit, and the other one is frame per second
this vibrance

Digital vibrance makes the quality way too good, iv tried it myself but i will prefer to keep it at 80%
More then 80% will cause the enemy to get blur
Hz is basically how fast your monitor can refresh itself, while fps is how much Frames your gpu can produce in a second
So 144 hz means that your monitor can only refresh itself 144 times in a second, so any fps over 144 wont be visible as your monitor (display) can only refresh 144 times a second.
makes sense
i had that on csgo
and playing csgo at 4:3
the enemies are straight pixels
so thats not a problem 4 me
If its no problem for you then no worries
thanks @ceb424 ^
u dropped this š
oh lmao, np bud, happy gaming.
@ceb424 it goes perfect
congrats man
good for you
am stuck on gt 730 for now š