I cant launch valorant
I get an error code whenever I try to launch valorant no matter what I do
22 Replies
one sec. ima restart my laptop then send ss
cus its lagging rn
ok my computer is on
im going to start and send ss

i never had this issue before
but all of a sudden whenever I try to launch I get this
Have you tried the repair button
On riots client?

Maybe reinstall vanguard?
when I launch on alt account the game runs
but on my main it gives me that error
Maybe Ur banned?
Or smth
i dont think so
as it normally tells you in launcher
from videos ive seen online
Error code 57 usually appears when VALORANT’s anti-cheat software fails to function correctly. Computers with low RAM tend to experience this error the most, but it can also appear randomly after new patches
I think it's a bug after new patch
Or smth
yeah i could see that, but why would it only happen on one account and not another
I'm not quite sure, but it could be a vanguard's problem
ill try asking again in a few hours and see if problem is fixed or not
cus i have to go do something
well thank you for ur help!
It may also be a drivers problem
Maybe u need to update them
that could be possible
Non updated drivers can cause a lot of trouble
Like crashes in games
when I get home ill also try on my pc cus rn im on my laptop which is a bit older