if i lose with a teammate afk do i lose less points?
mid match with a teammate afk 1 match away from plat
11 Replies
no u lose the same rr points. mmr wise its probably dif but we wont know
dang that is sad
10-8 with carry afk
hopefully we win
12-9 this shouldnt be happening rn what
i won
ok thanks anyways
they lost a 4v5 damn
no unfortunately

imagine smh
nah bruh thats crazy
had a immortal 2 in my 5 stack game and we won somehow
bro was garbage
went 30-14
im on plat 1 only cuz i barely play
i only play csgo so my aim is insane for plat standards so my mmr is skyrocketing
dang I need to train in csgo